
Introducing Myself

I am Buddhima Nirmani and I'm 17 years old, I live in Hokandara which is a suburb of Colombo. I Studied at Buddhist Ladies’ College for nearly 12 years. Presently I’m enrolled in a Foundation Course in Information Technology at SLIIT Academy after completing the G.C.E Ordinary Level exam.

My father is a businessman whereas my mother is a house wife. In our family, we are two siblings. I have an elder sister who is presently completing her BSc Hons Software Engineering Degree at SLIIT University and employed as an Automation Intern at a private company. 

My family always make me learn from my failure are encourage me on to succeed in my dreams. My dad is the role model of my life and I aspire to become like him. My goal is to Succeed in Computer Networking field and live a righteous life.

If I talked about my school, the word itself brings back so many memories. School was the place where I learned skills, socialism, empathy, friendship. My teachers have always guide me to the right path and taught me to be energetic and be positive in whatever decision I make in the future.


Buddhist Ladies' College

I am more like an introvert, though I am open to know new people and create new friends. I enjoy reading various novels. I also love to stitch; I’ve been cross stitching as a hobby. In my opinion it’s a fantastic hobby, through cross stitching not only you get to pass time but also to de-stress after a long day and after completing it the happiness you gain from the result cannot be equal to any emotion. I suggest anyone to try it. You may face difficulties and that makes it even more worth.

Except from stitching my second favorite hobby is music. I doubt there’s people who doesn’t like music, I first got into music through my sister later my friends inspired me on music more. Which made me to start playing instruments. I was a member of the School Western Brass Band as a Trombone Player. And I also can play keyboard and recorder. and I thinking on learning to play piano, guitar and cello which was one of my lifelong dreams.

In the meantime, I interact with new people through social media. Also, I like to hang out with my friends. Literally being with friends means like the happiness I can gain from the whole world. My friends were always with me, in happiness and in sadness, they always got my back in every moment, decision I make.


There is this German quote which I really like,

"Am Ende Wird alles gut sein. Und Wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es nicht das Ende"

 (Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not OK, then it's not the end 

So, what I want to tell through this is never stop dreaming, there will be a time where you will start to rise brightly like twinkling star at night sky.

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