Third Week at SLIIT Academy

 Third Week at SLIIT ACADEMY

06th Of December, 2021

Its already the third week of the course. It was bit hard to learn through online but still new experience kept me going through my path. Hope the pandemic ends soon and let colleges open too.

Essential Communication Skills

In the morning lecture, Its English and today we had a lesson tutorial. Our lecturer divided us into groups and put into Zoom breakout rooms to the tutorial questions. But we couldn’t complete the whole tutorial by the given time so the lecturer decided to give us more time and let us submit it by the next day.

08th Of December, 2021

Programming Concepts

Day by day programming is getting harder even though I learnt this in the OL grades still its too hard for me. 

Today we learned:

    • How to use the repetition control structures to solve the problems.
    • How to understand difference among difference looping structures.

This week too we got practice questions as homework. It was very helpful.

Mathematics for Computing

Today at Mathematics for computing lecture we continued learning the conversions of number systems.

          • Octal   🠊 Decimal
          • Binary 🠊 Octal
          • Octal   🠊 Binary

09th Of December, 2021

Windows Application Development C#

Today we had Visual Studio Lecture. And we learned the Basics of Windows Form Development including how to design and executing it. As usually Sir gifted us with a homework to create a Hotel Reservation Form and gave a deadline to submit it too.

Database Design Concept

In the afternoon, we had the DDC lecture and we got to learn:

      • The Logical Operators (LIKE operator, IN operator)
      • Wildcard characters
      • SQL Aliases 
      • ORDER BY Clause

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