First Week at SLIIT Academy

First Week at SLIIT Academy

22nd Of November, 2021

Today is my first day at SLIIT Academy. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Before the lectures start, we had a small meeting which let us know about SLIIT Academy, about the lecturers and about how things work at SLIIT Academy. We had already received our schedules and time tables for the lectures. There were nearly 60 students at first.

Our first lecture for the day was Essential Communication Skills. At first, I had no idea about what will I get to learn through this lecture. Once the lecture start, I got to know that the lecture is about improving our English knowledge and communication skills. The lecturer was Ms. Ishara Raviharee. It was fun through out the lecture, we got to learn how to introduce ourselves and how to break - the - ice between a conversation. And at the end of the lecturer Ms. Ishara gave us a home work and it was to create a BLOG and keeping it update.

25nd Of November, 2021

Today is the second day of the lectures, we had two lectures for the day one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. In the morning we had Programming Concept lecture which was conducted by Ms. Ovini Seneviratne. We learnt the introduction to programming. Also, we learned about,

      • What is a Computer Program?
      • What is an Algorithm?
      • What is a Pseudocode?

In the afternoon lecturer we had Mathematics for Computing and it was conducted by Ms. Nideshika Ellepola. We learned about Mathematics and Computer Science, Number Systems from this lecture. Including,

      • What Number Systems?
      • Where its Used?
      • Types of Number Systems?

25nd Of November, 2021

It’s the third day, today also we had two sessions and, in the morning, we had Windows Application Development C# Lecture which was conducted by Mr. Anuruddha Abeysinghe. This lecture was a whole new topic to me and it happened to be my favorite subject which does so many practicals than theory. 

What we learned through this lecture: 

      • How to install Visual Studio?
      • Uses of the software
      • How to create Applications

It was fun learning how to work with these softwares and it was quite a new experience. At the end of the session our lecturer had a very big gift for us and it was a home work. Well we were grateful for that beautiful gift.

In the afternoon we had Database Design Concept Lecture and it was conducted by the lecturer Ms. Ruchira ManikkaArachchi. This session was also a new topic for me, we had to installed a new software called SQL to get to know about Database concepts. This was also more into the practical side.

What we learned:

      • What is Database?
      • Differences between database and file management?
      • Importance of Database.
      • Types of SQL Servers
      • Types of SQL Commands

So, like that our first week of the University Preparatory Course comes to an end.

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